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Can braces change your face shape?

How does orthodontic treatment change your facial shape?

Braces help in correcting various malocclusions like crooked teeth, incompetent lips, protruded teeth, spacing between teeth, crossbite, etc and help in achieving an apparently symmetrical face. This change in facial shape is more noticeable in those with a skeletal problem like: Underbite: lower jaw protrudes ahead of upper jaw such that your bottom teeth are in front of your top teeth.

Overbite: upper jaw protrudes ahead of the lower jaw , giving a sunken appearance to cheeks.

Open bite: Top and bottom teeth cannot come together when mouth is closed

In addition to alignment of teeth, Orthodontic treatment also helps to achieve an acceptable facial profile.

Is age a concern?

The extent and degree of change in the shape of face with Orthodontic treatment will depend on your age. In children and young adults with developing jawbones and muscles, can be altered easily by Orthodontic treatment whereas in adults the bones are harder and developed and is therefore difficult to address the skeletal problem without surgery. Braces can improve esthetics and function in adults. So it is advisable to consult the Orthodontist as early as possible if you suspect there is some problem with your jaws and teeth.

Face changes after braces

  • Jawline: braces alone or in combination with functional appliances can improve jaw line
  • Smile:  noticeable improvement in smile
  • Lips: helps in achieving competent lips
