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The purpose of regular orthodontic visits is to keep an eye on how your child’s teeth, face and jaws are developing. These visits may be scheduled once or twice a year, as your child grows.

Your orthodontist will be watching whether:

  • It is the right time to start an orthodontic treatment. – Oftentimes the severity of malocclusion can be limited based on the time the treatment is started.
  • Baby teeth are lost according to schedule- It may be necessary to remove a stubborn tooth.
  • Permanent teeth are coming according to their schedule, it may be necessary to guide certain teeth.
  • Jaws are growing enough to accommodate the permanent teeth and prevent any facial abnormalities
  • Decaying teeth and oral hygiene of the child.

A stunning smile is the best gift you can give you and your child. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. 0ur team of highly-skilled orthodontists are willing to go above and beyond to deliver your best smile.