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The homeopathic remedy, Pulsatilla, is prepared from the windflower or pasque flower plant. It works well on fair-complexioned individuals and is used as a remedy, predominantly in women who have a mild and timid temperament, cry easily and are prone to sudden mood swings.


Pulsatilla women have the ability to contain their emotions, put their feelings on hold and pretend as though nothing is wrong. What may reveal their emotional upheaval is their weepiness in the wake of a marginally stressful situation.


Pulsatillas make the best story-tellers, embellishing their experiences with physical and emotional nuances. They are likely to well up when listening to music, watching a film or some distressing news on TV. They may be moved to tears by a thoughtful gift, an act of kindness or words of sympathy. But deep down they are not what they appear to be on the surface. They hold on to negative emotions for far too long. They neither forgive nor forget. Often they feel envious, distressed, dejected and nervous.


Pulsatilla is recommended when someone catches a cold or has chilblains after getting their feet wet in a downpour. It is considered to be an effective remedy for coryza (colds) with a blocked right nostril and for the pressing pain at the root of the nose which often leads to loss of smell. There may also be large green, fetid scales in the nose which get better in the evening and yellow mucous, which get worse in the morning. The individual may also complain of a bad smell in the nose. In such situations Pulsatilla is prescribed as it helps fight colds, chronic sinusitis and other upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis.


It is also useful for thick mucous discharges that can occur due to various reasons such as conjunctivitis, stye, and blocked tear ducts. Some clinicians suggest that Pulsatilla may be a useful remedy for dry eyes or what is called Sjögren’s syndrome.


Pulsatilla is also prescribed for amenorrhoea (lack of menses) or suppressed menses due to ‘wet feet’ and nervous weakness. It is useful when ones period is late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable and intermittent. This is usually accompanied by feelings of chilliness, nausea and downward pressure, with pain. The individual may also suffer from pain in the back, feel tired and have Leucorrhoea (white discharge) which is often acrid, burning and creamy. Pulsatilla is a truly effective remedy for painful periods (from menarche to menopausal syndromes) which cause spasms and emotional upheaval.


Pulsatillas are mostly dogmatic with a strong, inflexible outlook. They tend to be somewhat straitlaced and can take recourse in religion. They are judgmental and intolerant of minor personal misdemeanour, especially of a sexual nature.


Pulsatillas suffer from a dread of the dark, ghosts, physical illness, medical treatment and death. Prone to nightmares that can result in bouts of screaming, Pulsatillas can become anxious enough to try and avoid sleep altogether.


They relish a calm environment, a cozy home and dollops of kindness all around. They enjoy fresh air and prefer to keep their windows open irrespective of the weather outside. They detest stuffy, closed, air-conditioned spaces.


Although often plump, Pulsatillas have an aversion to rich food like clarified butter. They prefer cold to hot food and believe it is better for the health. A homeopathic remedy for grief or bereavement, Pulsatilla, is often prescribed when someone, especially a woman, describes herself as ‘never feeling well’ after a tragic event or incident.


While Pulsatillas take pride in their own identity, they can be influenced to shape themselves on the basis of what others want from or of them and fulfil their roles the best they can.


They function best when they receive kind-hearted support or encouragement.