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Facebook Live Videos

Speaker: Dr.Disha(PGDE Endodontics)

Title: All types of Dental Fillings.



Speaker: Dr.Dorcus  (M.D.S. Oral Surgery)

Title: About Wisdom teeth



Speaker:Dr. Arjumand Kabli Implantodontologist

Title: About dental implants



Speaker:Dr.Mallika Kumar(Msc.Endodontics)

Title: About ‘Dental Anxiety’ and ways to manage it



Speaker:Dr. Neha (M.D.S PERIODONTICS)

Title: About “BAD BREATH” .



Speaker:Dr. Sagar (M.D.S PERIODONTICS)

Title: About gum diseases



Speaker:Dr. Dorcus (M.D.S. Oral Surgery)

Title:  Mouth Ulcers – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment



Speaker:Dr.Disha (PGDE Endodontics)

Title: Root Canal Treatment in Hindi and English.



Speaker-Dr. Heena (M.D.S. Orthodontics)

Title:What’s right time to get braces?



Speaker:Dr Satyaki Arora (Specialist Pedodontist)

Title: easy and effective way to stop the common thumb sucking habit in children!!



Speaker:Dr Satyaki Arora (Specialist Pedodontist)

Title: About about dental cavities in Children



Speaker: Dr.Satyaki (Specialist Pedodontist)

Title: About stem cell preservation.