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Why Are My Teeth Getting Stained?

Why Are My Teeth Getting Stained?

After professional cleaning, the surfaces of your teeth become absolutely clean but as you start eating a soft film called the pellicle start to form on your teeth. It is a film that forms on the surface enamel by binding of proteins from saliva.

When not cleaned and flossed properly oral bacteria start to make colonies on this pellicle layer and hence they form a layer called Plaque. This plaque can adsorb the colors of foods and beverages you consume and give the appearance of staining on your teeth.

Foods & Habits That Cause Your Teeth to Get Stained

Tea or Coffee: Tea or coffee contains plant extracts that have a very high tendency of staining your teeth. Regardless of the type of toothpaste you use or the type of brushing you do, if you consume tea or coffee more than once a day then your teeth will easily stain. At this point it would be prudent to either get a professional cleaning or change your habit.

Smoking: Tobacco smoke contains nicotine and tar and these two ingredients cause smoking stains. Tar stains the teeth black and nicotine has a yellowish staining property. So a smoker will have a blackish and line at the junction of the gums and tooth and yellowish hue on the teeth. Hence it is advised that you leave the habit and have your teeth cleaned.

Red Wine- Red wine is made up of grapes which have natural colors. These natural colors will bind with the tooth surface and result in teeth staining, but this process is slow and mild and occurs in those who consume red wine regularly.

Some Cold drinks and Energy drinks: Cold drinks and energy drinks have coloring agents in them. These agents can deposit on the plaque of the tooth and then solidify.

Some berries and veggies: There are some berries and veggies which have colored juices in them which can stick to the plaque and lead to the staining of teeth.

Solution to Get Rid of Repeated Teeth Staining

  • Avoid stain producing habits and food.
  • Brush twice a day with correct brushing technique.
  • Use floss once a day.
  • Use inter dental brush to clean gaps between teeth.
  • Get oral prophylaxis done every 6 months.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.