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Q&A- 1

  1. My sister gave birth to a healthy baby a few weeks ago but she’s now showing signs of depression and even tends to avoid her child. We want to avoid psychiatric medications. Can homeopathy help?
  2. A. Your sister seems to be suffering from puerperal depression which usually occurs during the first few weeks of childbirth. I would recommend interpersonal psychotherapy for your sister and counselling for her husband and other family members, to help them realize the importance of making her feel comfortable and relaxed during this time. A detailed case history will be required to prescribe the appropriate homeopathic remedy. Meanwhile she could try taking 3-4 tablets of Kali Phosphoricum 6X, twice a day.
  3. I am a fifty-six-year-old man and I’ve been suffering from erectile dysfunction since the last few months. Please help me.
  4. Erectile dysfunction can occur due to a number of physical or psychological factors such as hormonal changes, diabetes, increased cholesterol levels, anxiety, depression and stress. You may have to undergo certain tests to rule out these conditions. I would recommend regular exercise, mental and emotional relaxation and following a balanced diet. For now you can try taking 4-5 homeopathy pills, Lycopodium 30C, once a day.
  5. I get feverish and suffer from pimple spots and weight gain just around the time of my period. This settles down a day or two after my cycle ends. Please advice.
  6. Your symptoms are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome [PMS], a common condition caused due to hormonal fluctuations in menstruating women. Studies suggest that 85% of women have at least one of the following PMS symptoms as part of their monthly cycle: breast tenderness, fatigue, gas, constipation or diarrhoea, headache, appetite changes, musculoskeletal pain, irritability and mood swings. I’d suggest that you try taking 4-5 pills of Pulsatilla 200C, once a day.
  7. I have been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. Please help.
  8. Ankylosing spondylitis [AS] is an inflammatory disease of the joints, especially the spine and sacroiliac, with variable involvement of the peripheral joints. This autoimmune disorder eventually causes fusion of the spine. Men are three times more likely to develop this disorder. Research has shown that homeopathic remedies are effective in chronic and autoimmune disorders thanks to their subtle bioenergetic therapeutic action or correction of the out-of-sync immune system. While constitutional homeopathic treatment, under the guidance of a local homeopath, may be required for better results, I’d suggest that you try taking 5 pills of Rhus Tox 30C, twice a day, for relief.
  9. I am a 35-year-old working woman, prone to constant stress and distress. I was diagnosed with tummy ulcers a few years ago. My allopathic physician has given me multiple courses of medication. The ulcers always seem to return. Can homeopathy help?
  10. It appears that stress has been your constant companion for years. Stress is usually the main cause for ulcers. I see stress related flare-ups of asthma, high blood pressure and diabetes in most of my patients. I often suggest a homeopathic remedy, along with nutritional and lifestyle changes, to help both the body and mind. Taking 5-6 pills of Natrum Phosphoricum 30C daily, for a month, may help you. Try to also set aside 15-20 minutes for meditation every day. Include licorice [extract] in your diet. Licorice helps heal the lining of the stomach.



By Dr Mukesh Batra, Padma Shri Recipient