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What can I eat or not eat during my braces treatment?


Orthodontic treatment requires the braces to be fixed onto your teeth, which makes it a part of your routine life and daily activities. Since taking care of your braces is very important for treatment to progress smoothly here are some list of things to be avoided and a list of things permissible to eat during your Orthodontic treatment

Strict No No’s for braces:

Raw hard whole fruits and vegetables: Although fruits & veggies are important for healthy diet, some of them are difficult to bite into and are notorious for breaking brackets eg: carrots, apples. It is better to peel or cook them until tender to be cut into small pieces before you have it

Hard crunchy foods: Crushed ice, Pretzels, Tacos, chips, nuts, hard crusty rolls or pizza crust, cookies are better avoided as they knock off brackets and bend wires.

Chewy Sticky Foods : Sticky foods can pull off the braces from your teeth and are also more difficult to clean off which is why it’s a good idea to avoid those gummy bears, chewing gums, caramels, toffee, marshmallow, popcorn or beef jerky.

Anything difficult to bite into: this category includes corn on the cob, ribs or meat off the bone


While it might seem like a lot of foods are off the hook, here are some healthy foods which are safe for your braces:

Soft fruits and veggies: Watermelons, banana, grapes, berries, mushroom, broccoli. Fruit juices are also an excellent alternative.

Tender meats removed from the bone

Nutritious foods: Eggs, oats, soft breads and dairy products like yoghurt, labneh , cheese

Cooked grains: like rice , dosa, pasta, roti/ chapathi

On the sweeter side deserts such as puddings, ice creams & smoothies are recommended in moderation with an emphasis on Oral hygiene

Remember your braces can work their way to give you the perfect smile only if you cooperate with your Orthodontist and follow all their instructions correctly!

About the author: 

Dr. Heena Shaikh holds a master’s degree in Orthodontics. She specializes in the Orthodontic/ braces treatment of adult and childhood malocclusions.
