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Mr & Ms Cute International Pageant

Clover Medical Centre’s Mrs Mahnaz Faquih-Shaikh, alongside Mrs Yasmin Cortes, the wife of the Consul General of the Philippines to the UAE, Hon Mr Paul Raymund Cortes, was proud to adjudicate the prestigious Cute Li’l Mr and Ms International 2018 pageant.

Clover Medical Centre were proud sponsors of the magnificent event and were present in full force represented by eminent specialist orthodontist Dr Sameer H Shaikh and family. Further, we were honored to rub shoulders with the highest ranking official of the Philippines in the nation, Hon Mr Paul Raymund Cortes, the Consul General.

The event was covered by prominent media outlets and created much interest in Filipino viewers around the globe.

Team Clover further lent credence to the evening by performing to perfection the vital task of judging candidates at the fete. Mrs Mahnaz Faquih-Shaikh was seen encouraging the tiny tots and showering them with points for their sizable efforts. She was joined at the judges table by Mrs Yasmin Cortes.

Moreover, this Friday past was an night to remember for the li’l tykes that took part in the fifth season of the pageant. For it was the final night of the competition and their families looked on with bated breath as they walked (sometimes with a smoothness well beyond their years but always very cutely) upon the stage like the stars they were.

All in all, it was a fabulous evening encapsulating the best of the Filipino community in the UAE and we at Clover Medical Centre proud to have been a part of it.


















There was a lot of buzz in our dental clinics last week as our doctors performed dental checkups for budding fashionistas participating in the Mr and Ms Cute Competition. Dr. Seema and Dr. Satyaki thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm and fervour of our little stars. We applaud the initiative taken by Sey Yes Management for placing equal importance on a bright smile as on the other aspects of prepping the contestants!